Line render options



Line Render Options

View > Rendering

Use the line render options to control the appearance of lines in Hidden Line, Dashed Hidden Line, and Final Shaded Polygon modes. These settings apply only to the current drawing; they remain in effect in the current drawing until the settings are changed. The current line render settings are saved when you create a template (see Concepto: plantillas).

To set line rendering options:

Select the command. The Line Render Options dialog box opens, set the parameters.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Dash Style

Select the dash style for hidden lines when the Dashed Hidden Line mode is selected

Dash Shade

Adjust the slider to select how hidden lines are shaded when the Dashed Hidden Line mode is selected


Displays a preview of the selected parameters

Smoothing Angle

Sets the angle to reduce facet lines when the Hidden Line, Dashed Hidden Line, or Final Shaded Polygon mode is selected; if the value is greater than zero, facet lines will be removed between any two faces of an object that are within that angle of each other

Generate Intersecting Lines

Generates lines where surfaces in the drawing intersect each other when the Hidden Line, Dashed Hidden Line, or Final Shaded Polygon mode is selected; for large files with a lot of curved surfaces, this option can make rendering slower


Display Surface Hatches

Displays surface hatches in a hidden line rendered view

Display Text and Markers

Displays text and markers in the rendered view.

Hiding text and markers can significantly decrease rendering times.

Sketch Hidden Line Results

(Design Suite required)

Specifies whether to apply sketch effects to lines when the Hidden Line, Dashed Hidden Line, or Final Shaded Polygon mode is selected; see Sketch rendering

Document Default Sketch Style

(Design Suite required)

Sets the default sketch style for lines when the Hidden Line, Dashed Hidden Line, or Final Shaded Polygon mode is selected; see Sketch rendering. Click Edit to open the Sketch Style Editor dialog box for additional sketch style modification.

Rendering modes


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